High-Efficiency Mvr Evaporator for Cost-Effective and Environmentally-Friendly Operation

MVR is the abbreviation for Mechanical Vapor Compression. Nickname: Mechanical steam recompression evaporator is a type of evaporator that utilizes the secondary steam generated in the evaporator. After being compressed by the compressor, the pressure and temperature increase, and the enthalpy increases. It is then sent to the heating chamber of the evaporator for circulation as heating steam. MVR is a technology that reuses the heat generated by its own secondary steam to reduce the demand for external energy.Type of MVR evaporator:MVR falling film evaporator, MVR rising film evaporator, MVR forced circulation evaporator, etc. When the thin secondary steam is compressed by volume, its temperature will increase accordingly, achieving the transformation of low-temperature and low-pressure steam into high-temperature and high-pressure steam, which can serve as a heat source to reheat the raw liquid that needs to be evaporated, thus achieving the goal of recycling and utilizing steam; Due to the fact that the compression of this volume is achieved through a compressor, it is called MVR. Currently, MVR evaporators are increasingly being used in areas with higher steam prices and lower electricity prices. The larger the evaporation capacity, the more advantageous it is for MVR.Working principle and application characteristics1.MVR falling film evaporatorWorking principle of MVR falling film evaporator:The raw liquid of the material is added from the tube box on the heat exchanger, and is distributed to each heat exchange tube through a liquid distributor. A uniform liquid film is formed along the inner wall of the heat exchange tube, and the liquid film inside the tube is heated by the heating steam on the shell side during the downward flow process, rapidly flowing down while boiling and evaporating. The material at the bottom of the heat exchange tube becomes concentrated liquid and secondary steam. The concentrated liquid falls into the lower pipe box, and the secondary steam enters the gas-liquid separator. The liquid droplets carried by the secondary steam in the gas-liquid separator are removed, and the pure secondary steam is transported from the separator to the compressor. The compressor compresses the secondary steam and sends it as heating steam to the shell side of the heat exchanger for use as a heat source in the evaporator. Realize continuous evaporation process.Characteristics of MVR falling film evaporator:1. High heat exchange efficiency;2. Small footprint;3. The material stays for a short period of time, which is not easy to cause material deterioration;4. Suitable for materials with higher viscosity.Application range of MVR falling film evaporator:MVR falling film evaporator is suitable for materials with high evaporation capacity and low concentration. It can achieve the pre concentration process of MVR evaporation crystallization process, and can evaporate materials with high viscosity. It is especially suitable for heat sensitive materials, but not suitable for processing materials with crystallization.2.MVR rising film evaporatorWorking principle of MVR rising film evaporator:After preheating, the raw material liquid enters the evaporator from the bottom, and the heated steam condenses outside the pipe. After being heated, the solution rapidly vaporizes, and the generated secondary steam rises at a high speed inside the tube, pulling the feed liquid against the inner wall of the tube into a thin film and allowing it to continue to evaporate. The vapor liquid is separated in the top separator. The compressor compresses the secondary steam and sends it as heating steam to the shell side of the heat exchanger for use as a heat source in the evaporator. Realize continuous evaporation process.Characteristics of MVR rising film evaporator:1. High heat exchange efficiency;2. Low energy consumption;3. The equipment has certain requirements for the height of the factory building.Scope of application of MVR rising film evaporator:The rising film evaporator is suitable for solutions with large evaporation capacity, limited plant height, heat sensitivity and foam formation, not for solutions with high viscosity, easy scaling or crystallization.3.MVR forced circulation evaporatorWorking principle of MVR forced circulation evaporator:The preheated material is fed from the feed inlet. When the liquid level reaches a certain height, the forced circulation pump is turned on, and the material begins to circulate in the system. The material flows through the tube side of the tubular heat exchanger and exchanges heat with the steam in the shell side for heating. The heated material enters the evaporation chamber, which is a negative pressure environment where the material undergoes flash evaporation. The generated secondary steam enters the compressor after gas-liquid separation through the separator in the upper part of the evaporation chamber. After being heated by the compressor, the secondary steam enter