M8 Female Straight 4 Pin Sensor Connector Round Plug Connector with Shield

Do you know the manufacturing process of the wire connector? The following electronic engineers will give you a detailed introduction to the production process of the connector. The production process of the wire connector mainly includes: the plug-in manufacturing process of the assembly process and the plug-in product parts. Elements are inserted mainly by contact, insulation and structural components. Part of the production process mainly deals with three parts. Elements such as machining, stamping, injection molding, die casting, surface coating are inserted along the butt. The demand for parts of the production batch is large. Therefore, parts processing should continue to improve the degree of mechanization and automation, the use of special equipment is high efficiency, and gradually realize the automatic production mode of plug elements. Relate to mass production of cars or stamping processes.When the automobile longitudinal automatic lathe, its direction is to use multiple automatic machines, multiple procedures are completed on the equipment to avoid the processing of two parts, in order to improve processing accuracy and production efficiency. For small series production, precision instrument lathes. Stamping features the advantages of being more efficient than automotive systems, but it is slightly less accurate than the body. Because of the continuous increase in the accuracy of the current mold and stamping equipment, the punching contact has also greatly improved the accuracy. The production process of the wire connector is: manufacturing pins and cold headers, making multi-jack station perforation, bending machine manufacturing reed contact elements and so on.Plastic insulation parts can also be made of thermosetting plastics according to the requirements of most thermoplastics. Thermoplastic compound seal automatic production, improve work efficiency thermosetting plastics, reduce environmental pollution. The injection material and process are appropriate. The metal shell, plastic shell and other structural parts of the structure are machined, die cast, injection molded, extruded, extrusion cast and machined respectively. The modification of the aluminum alloy shell in the process of cold extrusion can achieve high strength, good precision, high efficiency and welfare.In many impressions, they feel that the wire connector should be a socket, in fact, this is not the case, there is still a certain difference between them. The wire connector has a common sense hole, and the socket of the connector is the British screw type, not the insert form of the socket that we usually use. Therefore, the safety performance of the connector is better, more reliable, and there will be no problem of poor contact in the plug socket.Does this remind you of anything? Yes, it is the TV signal socket that we often see, the mystery of the wire connector has finally been unveiled. But this is only a form of connector, such as wiring bar type, multi-pin socket type, chip socket type, are called connectors. They are used in telecommunications and data communications, local area networks, wide area networks, and equipment terminals.Its advantages are also very significant, the life of the general wire connector is relatively long, its electrical performance in the contact resistance and insulation resistance, environmental performance in temperature resistance, humidity resistance, vibration and shock resistance, in the space required area is also half smaller than the traditional socket, the price is also very affordable, can be said to be very cost-effective.After reading the above, you should have a basic understanding of the wire connector, which is more common in life, but with the development of the connector industry, the connector related products have slowly become the mainstream of the market, and the demand is rising. Industry experts have also made new forecasts for the market to jointly promote the development of the wire connector industry.Better Wire Connector products, all in the best choice, come and carry out a happy cooperation with us, so that your procurement work is perfect. A number of RF connector series of high-quality products, on our official website can be queried, go in to have a look, do not hesitate. Each RF connector is ISO certified, in line with international environmental requirements, worthy of your trust.With the rapid development of science and technology, the structure of instruments is becoming more and more complex, so the demand for wire connectors is increasing. At the same time, the requirements in terms of volume, weight, reliability and life are also getting higher and higher. Especially in order to adapt to a variety of different working environments, the docking plug-in has put forward a variety of special performance requirements, such as: high temperature resistance, ultra-high temperature resistance, high pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistanc