
1. Anti-sunk:This quality magnesium glued base board has the stable performance due to its materialsand offers totally different performance from the common ceiling. It is noteasy to absorb water and thus the sinking deformation is not likely to occur.The long term quality of project can be ensured2. Fire prevention:After the test by the national authoritative lab, its base material is A-class non-inflammableand the board material can not burn nor generate stifling smog soas to ensure the safety of person and property3. Dampness prevention:The test has proved that the base material soaked in water will not deform or expand,nor strength reduced. The board material will keep well evening highly humidenvironment4. Free from dust:Tight material will not leak any dust to pollute the space and thus it is suitableto use in places that requires high cleanness5. Endurance and long life:It is able to bear acid and alkali, resist dampness and prevent from the worm corrosion.It will not be eroded nor deformed. Quality anti-mould coating layer orheat passed film will keep the ceiling in good-looking and tidy manner for longtime. Thus the costs for replacement will be reduced6. Environmentally-friendly and healthy:It contains no asbestos, formaldehyde and other harm elements, and free from harmfuleradiation. It can be acted as the sample among the new environmentally friendlymaterial