Electrical Porcelain Ceramic Kiln Sisic Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide Tube Pipe

Product DescriptionYUFENGREC®The Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide Kiln Furniture has high strength and excellent hardness, wear and corrosion resistance, oxidization resistance and thermal shock resistance, which is one of the most popular technical ceramics . In comparison with Recrystallized Silicon Carbide (ReSIC) AND Nitride Bonded Silicon (NBSIC), RBSiC (SiSiC) display better performance  in long term applications. The slip casting and extrusion technologies in conjunction with our net-shape sintered  technologies and superior advanced machine press ability ,which enables production of complex shapes and superior sizes with tight dimensional tolerance. RBSiC (SiSiC) cross beams are used for the loading structure systems of tunnel kilns, shuttle kilns and many other industrial kilns.RBSiC(SiSiC) cross beams have higher strength and there are no deformations even in very high temperature. And also display long operational life. The beams are the most suitable kiln furniture for sanitary wear and electrical porcelain applications. RBSiC(SiSiC)has excellent thermal conductivity, so it is available to save energy.Technical Data of Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide Kiln Furniture Item Unit Typical Index Max. Application Temperature ºC1380Bulk Densityg/cm3>3.02Open Porosity%