Melamine Foam Heat Insulation Material for Transmission Sound Insulation Pad, Instrument Panel Retaining Wall

 Melamine foam heat insulation materialProduct DescriptionMelamine foam heat insulation material Introduction:Melamine foam is a foam plastic commonly used for thermal insulation in the construction sector. It is a fluffy and lightweight material with good thermal insulation and flame retardant properties, so it is a common application in buildings for thermal insulation and insulation. The material can be used to infill structures such as walls, roofs and floors to reduce heat transfer and improve a building's energy efficiency.Product ParametersMelamine foam heat insulation material Appearance and performance:projectaskpigmentThe basic color is white, and other colors of products are agreed upon by the supply and demand partieshomogeneityThe color should be uniformbesmirchNo stains are allowed for foam productsMelamine foam heat insulation material Size tolerance (unit: mm):lengthwidththicknessbasic sizecommon differencebasic sizecommon differencebasic sizecommon difference≤1000plus tolerance≤250plus tolerance2~4≤±0.31001~2000plus tolerance251~500plus tolerance5~9≤±0.52001~3000plus tolerance501~1300plus tolerance10~19≤±1    20~29≤±2    More than 30