8 People Passenger Elevator Lift with Auto Door Motor & Drive

Product DescriptionProducts nameModelSpeed(m/s)     Passenger elevatorTKJ-JXW(VVVF)2.00 8001.756308001.606308001.00630800      Small machine room Passenger elevatorTKJS-JXW(VVVF)2.00 8001.756308001.606308001.006308003.00  2.50 800Machine room less Passenger elevatorTKJW-JXW(VVVF)1.756308001.60630800Car Decoration  Elevator FunctionRunning FunctionVvvf driveMotor rotating speed can be precisely adjusted to get smooth speed curve in lift start, travel and stop and gain the sound comfort.SVvvf door operatorMotor rotating speed can be precisely adjusted to get the more gentie and sensitive door machine start/stop.SIndependent runningThe lift can not respond to outer calling, but only respond to the command inside the car through the action switch.SAutomatic pass without stopWhen the car is crowded with the passengers or the load is close to preset value, the car will automatically pass the calling landing in order to keep maximun travel efficiency.SAutomaticlly adjust door opening timeDoor-open time can be automatically adjusted according to the difference between landing calling or car calling.SReopen with hall callIn the door shutting process, press reopen with hall call button can restart the door.SExpress door closingWhen the lift stops and opens the door, press door-shut button, the door will be closed immediately.SCar stops and door openThe lift decelerates and levels, the door only opens after the lift comes to a complete stop.SCar arrival gongArrival gong in the car top announces that the passengers arrive.SCommand register cancelIf you press the wrong floor command button in the car, twice continuous pressing of the same button can cancel the registered command.SAnti-nuisanceIn the light lift load, when three more commands appear, in order to avoid the unnecessary parking, all the registered callings in the car will be cancelled.OOpen the door in advanceWhen the lift decelerates and enters into door open zone, it automatically opens the door to enhance the travel efficiency.ODirect parkingIf completely accords with distance principle with no crawling in the leveling. It greatly enhances the travel efficiency.OGroup control functionWhen three or more same model lift groups are controlled in use, the lift group can automatically choose the most appropriate response. It avoids the repeated lift parking, reduces the passengers' waiting time and increases the travel efficiency.ODuplex controlTwo sets of same model lifts can unanimously respond the calling signal through the computer dispath. In this way, it reduces the passengers' waiting time to the greatest extent and enhances the travel efficency as well.OOn-duty peak serviceWithin the preset on-duty time, upward transport fromthe home landing is extremely busy. The lifts are continuously dispatched to the home landing in order to satisfy on-duty peak service.OOff-duty peak serviceWithin the preset off-duty period, the lifts are continuously dispatched to top floor in order to satisfy off-duty peak service.ODoor open time extendingPress special button in the car, the lift door keeps open for certain period of time.OHuman-machine interfaceMicro-touch button for car call and hall callNovel micro-touch button is used for operation panel command button in the car and landing calling button.SFloor and direction indicator inside carThe car shows the lift floor location and current travel direction.SFloor and direction indicator in hallThe landing shows the lift floor location and current travel direction.SVoice announcerWhen the lift normally arrives, voice announcer informs the passengers about the relevant information.OCar assistant operation boxIt is used in the large loading weight lifts or the lifts with crowded passengers so that more and more passengers can use the car.OOperation box for the handicappedIt is convenient for the wheelchair passengers and those who have vision problems.OIntelligent calling serviceThe car command or hoist-way calling can be locked or connected through special intelligent input.OIC card control functionAll(partial) landings can only input car commands through IC card after the authorization.OSafety FunctionPhotocell ProtectionIn the door open and shut period, infrared light that covers the whole door height is used to probe the door protection device of both the passengers.Designated stopIf the lift can not open the door in the destination floor out of some reason, the lift will close the door and travel to the next designated floor.Overload holding stopWhen the car is overload, the buzzer rings and stops the lift in the same floorAnti-stall timer protectionThe lift stops operation due to slippery traction wire rope.Start protection controlIf the lift does not leave door zone within the designated time after it gets started, it will stop the operation.Inspection operationWhen the lift enters into inspection operation, the car travels at inching running.Fault self-diagnosisThe controller can record 62 latest troubles so as to