Mini Spot Welder for Car Body Repair Hunter (H-007)

Hunter-007 is designed by SHELLMAX with 6 yearsProfessional experience in car body repair industry. This unit Is just meeting the national energy saving policy. It has below 7 features:1. Saving timeImprove efficiency and save working hours are the focus of Auto maintenance industry, HUNTER-007 is just the one who Can meet these wishes.2. Saving effortReduce labor intensity is the shortcut to improve efficiency. With lightweight form, compact design, HUNTER-007 Saving the operator's substantial energy.3. Saving maintenance costsHUNTER-007 is designed with high-tech independent Research and development, no need maintenance, saving Money and time for customers.4. Saving powerSaving power is the most advantage of HUNTER-007, it's Power costs is less than 10% of traditional spot welder's.5. Saving freight chargeWith compact form, HUNTER-007 can save freight charge For customers and distributors.6. Saving service costsAll the agents are training by our engineers, they can supply With convenient and efficient service.7. Saving training costsHUNTER-007 is simple to operate, we provide professional Video training site, saving substantial costs of training.